Stanford Track and Field Recruiting Standards

Track Recruiting

Track and Field Recruiting

Want to compete for the Stanford Cardinal Track and Field Program? Get ready to work hard! Not only will you have to have close to a 4.0 GPA and test scores in the 30 ACT / 1400 SAT range, you are also going to need off the chart performance marks as well, regardless of your event. There is no easy way onto this team.

The Stanford coaching staff purposefully does not post recruiting standards for their program. According to their coaches there are too many factors to consider.

I went through their roster to identify what marks their current athletes achieved in High School. The performances listed below will give you an idea of just how competitive you will need to be in each event:


100m - 10.50 / 11.60

200m - 21.40 / 23.50

400m - 47.75 / 53.90

800m - 1:51 / 2:05

1600m - 4:06 / 4:42

3200m - 8:58 / 10:20

110HH - 13.70 / 13.70

300IH - 37.00 / 59.50 (400IH)

HJ - 6’ 10” / 5’ 8”

LJ - 23 ‘ 6” / 19’ 6”

TJ - 49’ / 41’

PV - good luck / 13’ 6”

SP - 60’ / 47’

Discus - 190’ / 160’

Javelin - 210’ / 165’

Hammer - 200’ 160’


College Track and Field Recruiting - Sophomore Year


University of Virginia Track & Field Recruiting Class of 2022