Fast Track Recruiting

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What Questions Should I Ask On My Official Visit?

Plain and simple, your official visits will determine where you attend school and which team you compete for. I would suggest that you compile a specific list of questions based on what is most important to you that goes well beyond topics such as available athletic scholarship money, admissions spots, coaching philosophy and program goals.

Identify various factors that will have a significant impact on the quality of your overall experience. Below you will find a series of potential questions to ask that will help you do so.


How much time is required to commute back and forth to and from training sites?

When does the track team actually have access to the facility they are showing you - particularly shared indoor turf fields that the football team also uses?

How often do you run from campus and how often to you travel to trails?



Is there an athletic trainer assigned specifically to the team?

Do you have access to the training room on the weekends, even after early Sunday morning long runs?

What type of preventive measures are used - ice baths, NormaTec, etc?

Does the school have easy access to an Altra G and/or an underwater treadmill?

Do they offer adequate support with physical therapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists?



Are study hall hours required of all student-athletes?

What type of access is there to tutors?

What type of walk-in support is provided?

Do athletes get preferential treatment when enrolling for classes?



What time of the day do you practice?

Is there an athletic trainer on-site during practice?

Are nutritional needs adequately addressed on site - water and post workout recovery foods/drinks?



How many training shoes will you receive throughout the course of the year?

How often are spikes replaced?

What will your training kit consist of?

Will you receive adequate warm/cold weather and rain gear?



Who goes?

What criteria are used to determine travel squads?

Are there alternative meets if you don't make the travel team?



Is there a full-time staff member in the area of professional development specifically within the athletic department?

How supportive are the alumni in helping athletes find internships?

Will someone assist you in creating a resume and letter of application?

What are they doing to assist you with finding a job upon graduation?



What does a typical Saturday night consist of?

Does the team party and drink?

Do team members live together?

Where does the majority of the team live - residence halls or off-campus?

What is the food like - are there adequate healthy food options?


For more information concerning NCAA Rules and Regulations in regard to Official Visits – CLICK HERE